RŪPA Journal
In-Hāus Dialogue with Stephanie Thiberge
Composed by Adeline Chandra / Images courtesy of Stephanie Thiberge We recently had the opportunity to collaborate with one of Australia’s very own Paris-based fashion photographers, Stephanie Thiberge, on an...
In-Hāus Dialogue with Tara Chandra
Composed by Vivien Huynh / Images courtesy of Tara Chandra We sat down with Tara Chandra of @tarachandra_ about how she navigates the social media world and achieved what she's...
In-Hāus Dialogue with Nat Shehata
Written by Vivien Huynh / photographed by Laura Marii We sat down with Natalie Shehata from Tommie Magazine | Natty Stylist to talk about being a woman and her world of...
In-Hāus Dialogue with Claudia Mancini
Written by Vivien Huynh / photographed by Stephanie Chandra We sat down with Claudia Mancini, an arts producer and event coordinator at the Centre of Stories to talk about her...
In-Hāus Dialogue with Bella Corser
Composed by Vivien Huynh / Images of RŪPAHAUS We sat down with Bella Corser of @musesofbella, a visual artist and a story teller; and a great friend to RŪPAHAUS. It's...
In-Hāus Dialogue with Tara Basro
Written by Vivien Huynh / photographed by Alvin Dahono We sat down with Tara Basro of @tarabasro at her home, to talk about her journey and life as a booming Indonesian...
In-Hāus Dialogue with Eva Celia
Written by Vivien Huynh / photographed by Alvin Dahono We sat down with Eva Celia of @evacelia; a jazz musician with amazing talents, to talk about her passion, life and...